Outlook Training:
in Los Angeles or Online

Keeping yourself organized at work and at home is sometimes a daunting but crucially important task. Microsoft Outlook is arguably one of the most popular desktop organizers available - helping you to track emails, organize contacts, schedule meetings, and stay on task.

AcademyX's Outlook Intro training will teach you how to work with Outlook most effectively. Using hands-on exercises, we'll show you how to:

  • Forward your incoming email into a new Outlook account
  • Manage outgoing emails, including sending attachments
  • Organize email into folders
  • Create an appointment calendar
  • Build a database of contacts
  • Set up and prioritize a list of tasks
  • Compose reminders and notes
  • and much more... See full outline for our Outlook Intro training

Outlook Intro Training Reviews:

4.5/5 review stars
Rated 4.9/5 based on 16 student reviews.

"Very Good. I love having the instructor's screen at my desk. I can't imagine learning a program without it."
- Nathan Taylor, formspring.me

"Very impressed, interesting and it seems to be more easy to understand."
- Bernedette, DBI/HIS