Online Live Excel Training

Learn Excel formulas, functions, charts and more. We offer different levels of basic Excel training and advanced Excel training in topics such as Pivot Tables and VBA. Excel classes can be taken online with a live instructor or in-person at our San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose, Los Angeles, and San Diego facilities. The curriculums focus on practical application of Excel in a business context, sprinkled with useful tips & tricks and best practices.


Excel Intro

Learn Excel basics: navigating the interface, creating spreadsheets, working with formulas and functions, presenting data with charts and graphs.

  • Spreadsheet basic concepts
  • Navigating the Excel interface
  • Creating new files and opening existing ones
  • Entering and editing data
  • Modifying rows and columns within worksheets
  • Defining formulas referencing specific cells
  • Absolute vs. relative references
  • Using common functions
  • Changing the look of the text, cells, and layout
  • How to print and share the Excel workbook
  • Basic charts
  • Using templates and other settings
Price:  $290 for 6 hours.
Online Live Training:
        Feb 17           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Mar 17           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Apr 14           9am - 4pm  day - register
        May 27           9am - 4pm  day - register
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Excel Intermediate

In this Excel course, you will be working with the features most commonly used in business. Before taking this class you should be comfortable creating spreadsheets with formulas using cell references, such as those used in expense reports, financial statements, or sales data.

  • Defining formulas that link between workbooks
  • Sorting and filtering data
  • Using the conditional formatting functions
  • Grouping and subtotaling data in a table
  • Using conditional formatting to highlight certan cells
  • Inserting graphics into your spreadsheet
  • Creating advanced charts and modifying their look and feel
  • PivotTables and PivotCharts and how to maximize their use
  • Sharing your workbook with other users for simultaneous editing
  • Web features
Price:  $290 for 6 hours.
Online Live Training:
        Feb 19           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Mar 19           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Apr 16           9am - 4pm  day - register
        May 28           9am - 4pm  day - register
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Excel Lookups, Functions and Macros

This training highlights the most-often used advanced Excel features found in sophisticated spreadsheets with multiple dependencies, conditional logic, and user interactivity.

  • Using IF, SUMIF, and COUNTIF to process data based on rules
  • Using the VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH functions to find data in related worksheets
  • Auditing: how to find errors using tracing, IFERROR, and other functions
  • Defining arrays and using array functions to work with groups of data
  • Advanced functions for manipulating dates, times, text
  • Statistical and financial functions
  • Importing external data from the web
  • Scenarios using goal seek, scenario manager and input data tables
  • Using the Analysis Toolpack for correlations and histograms
  • Recording and replaying macros and basic VBA code
  • Creating a form with buttons to add interactivity to your spreadsheet
Price:  $290 for 6 hours.
Online Live Training:
        Feb 21           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Mar 21           9am - 4pm  day - register
        Apr 18           9am - 4pm  day - register
        May 30           9am - 4pm  day - register
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Microsoft Excel Training Reviews:

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Rated 4.9/5 based on 18353 student reviews.

Great. Useful info and the instructor kept it interesting and lively all day. Frequently asked questions to make sure content was relevant to our needs.
- Lorraine King, Bender Rosenthal, Sacramento

It was super informative and I learned a lot and the speed was perfect.
- Jennifer Starkey, Blue Shield of CA, El Dorado Hills

Fun, very thorough and knowledgeable.
- Meredyth Knott, Golden Gate Transit, San Rafael

The training was excellent.
- DeWanna Dunn, BART, Hayward

bxtImpression Excellent articulation, communication. Great information. Perfect delivery of pertinent information.
- Laura Moreno, BART, Oakland

Very good intro calss that will assist me in my job.
- Villarreal Genaro, City of San Jose, San Jose

Very informative and helpful. The instructor was very knowledgeable and humorous which helps make the learning process a lot easier.
- Ngoc Trinh, Stanford Health Care, Menlo Park

GREAT. I ;earned some shortcuts but knew going into this training I was not a beginner so I am looking to take the intermediate class.
- Tamara Avilla

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