Photoshop Training in San Diego

Unrivaled in its ability to edit and manipulate images, Adobe Photoshop is the ideal tool for photographers, graphic and web designers and multimedia professionals. Mastering Photoshop is often a requirement to break into these fields, and the photo processing and image transformation skills AcademyX's Photoshop training teaches are invaluable assets for both professional and personal use. While it has tremendous power to transform photographs and to help you create unique imagery, this software can at first seem bewilderingly complex. Our Photoshop Fundamentals training in San Diego allows you to learn through experience, by using practical, hands-on exercises to explain each step until you can:
- Efficiently navigate the Photoshop environment.
- Modify an image's color mode, resolution and size.
- Correct for red eye, make skin tones appear more realistic and color-correct photographic images.
- Select and manipulate specific portions of an image using Photoshop's powerful set of selection tools.
- Temporarily limit edits to selected portions of an image with selection and layer masks.
- Crop and resize images without affecting image resolution.
- Prepare finished images for print, web or mobile use.
- Apply patterns and gradients to image selections and layer content.
- Use Photoshop's numerous mask types for powerful control during image editing, and to accelarate the process.
- Create vector-based artwork using Photoshop paths.
- Create composites quickly with grouped layers and smart objects.
- Batch process multiple images with the click of a button.
- and many more topics... See full outline for Photoshop Fundamentals training.
Adobe Photoshop Training Reviews:

Rated 4.7/5 based on 286 student reviews.
The training was great. It's amazing how much I learned. Instructor was awesome. He really cared that we were learning everything and was very patient with questions.
- Lisa Ligon, Aerobie, Inc.
The training was really helpful, a great start for someone who has never tried photoshop before.
- Kaley Leclere
Really cool and very friendly and comfortable environment. Speed was great and frequent breaks prevented us from getting tired. Class content was interesting and fun and covered a range of different things. Double monitors is also really cool. Also the candy in the front was awesome :)
- Spring Huang, Dulwich College Beijing, Beijing
Pace and topic was appropriate for the group. Instructor is very knowledgeable in the tools and was able to answer more advanced questions not covered in the course. Great job!
- Liz Heglar, Department of Child Support Services
Really enjoyed. A good basis for building skills and continuing to grow with Photoshop.
- Bethany
It opened up another world.
- Daniel Miller
Great training - excellent crash course on Adobe Photoshop.
- Zack Nerland, SVB
Really informative and interesting!
- Troy Sennet, INX International
* Note: This class description is for Photoshop Fundamentals training in San Diego. We also offer Photoshop training in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose, and Los Angeles.